Blog SEO

How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

How To Drive Traffic To A Blog

You have a blog; you have written a great article about a topic which would help so many people. You have invested so much time and hard work into creating and making this article a masterpiece.

But, no one is coming to your blog to read that masterpiece content you have created. You start to feel that all your efforts went in vain. I know exactly how you feel, Trust me, I have been there.

That is the worst feeling ever, that is why I am here to help you out. I’ll tell you exactly how to bring traffic to your blog or website. But before I tell you that, let me give you some facts about and some basics.

So, are you ready to get your blog in front of millions of people out there? Yes? Great, Let’s get onto it then.

Since you are reading this post, I presume you have a brand new blog or a blog which is not getting enough traffic. Well, there are so many blogs out there which have the same problem.

Before we talk about anything else, let me tell you an interesting fact which might amuse you as it did to me. 59.3 Million Blog posts are published on the internet every month, which is almost 2 Mills per day, If you are surprised by this, wait till I tell you another fact, The number I mentioned is just the number of posts published from word press, Now you can open your mouths in shock.

With such huge amount of posts being published every day, It has become difficult than ever to stand out. Every piece of content you may try to write or every advice you want to give has already been given by someone already. With all these hurdles on the way, how exactly is that you can gain traffic is the question that has been on my mind for a long time.

You might think I am bringing negativity at the beginning of the post itself, but the truth needs to be told. There is always positivity; you just need to look for it at the right place.

Driving Traffic to the website is the easiest and the most difficult thing to do. Before we jump into specifics of how to Drive Huge Amounts of Traffic to Our Blog, Let’s have a look at other basics. If you know that basics, you are free to jump to the section where I discuss the steps.

The first question you need to ask before you start working on getting traffic to your blog is, Why would people/users want to come to your blog?

Well, most of the people I know of forget to ask this question to them and jump directly into their mission of driving traffic to your blog. Indeed, I have also seen them fail. So ask questions before you jump in. Questions such as below.

  • Why would someone visit your blog?
  • Who is my target audience?
  • Where does my target audience spend most of their time on the internet?
  • What exactly am I offering them?
  • Does my blog answer my user’s questions?

Though these are just the basic ones you can create some more questions yourself. These questions are to understand your audience, their behavior and also to understand what exactly is your blog offering them.

Since we now understand the basics, let’s jump on to the real topic, How to drive traffic to your blog.

If you have worked on analytics, you might know that there are basically 4 types of traffic sources.

  • Organic
  • Referral
  • Social
  • Direct

We’ll be looking at how to drive each kind of traffic and you can decide which one you want based on the answer from the previous question, where your target audience spends most of their time.


Organic traffic is basically the traffic which you get from search engines. To increase organic traffic on your blog, you have to begin doing SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). For those of you who don’t know what SEO Is, Let me define it for you.

SEO is a process of optimizing a website or blog for search engines so that it would be easier for your blog to rank on Search Engine Results Page.

Though SEO is a time-consuming process and it would take time to see results, it is worth all the efforts in the long term.


Referral traffic is the traffic you get from other websites. You can call it as an extra outcome of your link building or Content Marketing campaign.

To get referral traffic you need to have great content on your website and the website you are getting a link from should have high authority as well as traffic.


Social Traffic is the easiest to get. This has very little effort when compared to all other types. All you need to do is share your content across all social media platforms.

The only constraint is that you need to have either massive following or neat tricks to get traffic. I will be telling more about it later.

Direct Traffic:

This is the traffic you get when you have established your brand and people already know your website. When people visit your website directly by entering your website address in address bar, which is called direct traffic.

You might be wondering why I am explaining about types of traffic here, A lot of you might already know everything about it.

But, this post is to target both newbies and oldbies. This explanation is for those of you who are new to Digital Marketing or Blogging.

Instead of explaining how to get each type of traffic, I’ll talk generally about getting traffic to your blog or your website and in the process, I’ll cover types of traffic as well.

So, if you are still reading, get a cup of coffee, coz it’s gonna take some time to complete reading this post. But I promise, by the time you reach the last line, you’ll know everything you wanted to know about how to bring huge amounts of traffic to your website and your blog. So, let’s get onto it, shall we?

The first and the most important step to drive traffic to your blog is having content. Not just ordinary content, but great content. Let’s first talk about the things that are important to bring visitors to your blog or website.

Search For Keywords You Want To Write About and Use Them Properly In Your Post/Article:

If you already know about Digital Marketing, Especially SEO and PPC, You might understand why I have put keywords at the top of the list. The wrong decision with keywords and you won’t be getting the traffic you are looking for. Keywords are the most important of any article.

There are different types of keywords such as Long Tail, Short Tail, and Single word keywords. Here, to get traffic to your blog, we’ll be looking at long tail keywords. Why Long Tail Keywords? You may ask.

The reason has a big list but let me tell you the important ones. To begin with, Long tail keywords are easier than short tail keywords to rank for on SERP’s. By targeting Long Tail keywords, you’ll be indirectly targeting Short tail keywords as well.

Also, there is LSI (Latent Symantec Indexing) which is synonyms of keywords. You might want to use them in your blog posts as well.

You know about keywords now, but how will you know which keywords to target. Well, the answer is with you only. The keywords you’ll be targeting are completely based on the topic you want to article about.

Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEM Rush etc.. to get a list of keywords related to your topic. Choose the keywords that have a high search volume as your primary keywords and all the other keywords as secondary and don’t forget to LSI’s as well.


You may have already heard of the saying “Content is King” infinite times, but yet I am repeating it coz that is the truth.

After you have asked yourself the questions that I mentioned earlier, work on content. Take your time, don’t rush, and Write content that answers your user’s query. The visitor on your website/blog should get what (s)he came for. Else you would lose the trust factor.

The content you write should be engaging and you should try and cover everything related to the topic in that piece of content.

The deeper you go, more the chances of you ranking on the Google Search Results Page (SERP).

If you rank higher on SERP, you’ll automatically start getting organic traffic in huge amounts based on the keywords you have chosen. Also, the depth of content you write matters.

Make sure you write an in-depth article/post on the topic you have chosen, cover as much as you can.

Though there is no proper information on the number of words you need to rank on SERP’s, I personally suggest you write at least more than 1,500 words. That has given success.

Titles are really important:

Think of it this way, If you have a great article, but you have put out a very less convincing title, The chances of someone clicking on the link and coming to read your blog post or article are very slim.

I have seen people shitty content (No offense and sorry for the language, can’t help it sometimes :D) gain all the traction just because of their title.

The linkbait, click-bait title still works, Use them if necessary and only if they are relevant.

Not just the titles of your content, but even title tags of the images are important from now on. With Google introducing captions under images in Image search results, It’s important to optimize your images for those as well to gain some extra traffic from image search results as well.

Run An Outreach Campaign To Gain Traction:

As I mentioned earlier, Just writing and publishing an article/post may not get you the traction you need. You need to put it out, show it to people. Outreach campaign is one of the best ways to do it.

Once you have posted the content on your website, run an outreach campaign and try and get as many websites to link to yours as possible, If your content is really great and helpful for user’s, People won’t mind linking to it or sharing it and you get referral traffic. Also, share it on every social media platform.

As I said, If your content is useful, people are gonna share it for sure, Just the way you would share this article (I hope you really do :D).

On-Page SEO:

Having basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimisation can give you a fair amount of boost in this mission of increasing traffic to your blog.

Have proper description of the article that gives a user an idea of what they can expect in your post. Implement Image alt tags, Open Graphs, Schema if possible.

But the main aspect is structuring your content properly so that Googlebot can understand your content exactly as you want it (Googlebot) to understand.

These are all just the basic On-Page SEO techniques, I’ll write in detail about SEO in my upcoming posts, so keep an eye on this website, Bookmark if you want to.

Optimise For Page Speed:

How would you feel if the website you are visiting is taking hell lot of time just to load? You would feel pathetic, won’t you? That is exactly why you should optimize your website/blog for speed. There are lots of ways to go about it. But I’ll talk just about the basics here and again a detailed post will come up on this as well.

The most important thing to consider while optimizing your website for speed is optimizing images, you can use tools like GTMetrix to check page speed and get an optimized version of images you have used on your blog post or article.

After optimizing images, check for CSS, JS and HTML minifications, Redirects and Make sure your website is Gzip compressed. You can gzip compression here.

Make Your Website Responsive To Mobile:

This part is as important as any of the above-mentioned parts. People are moving from Desktops to mobile.

Even Google has moved from Desktop first to mobile first indexing. If your website is not mobile responsive, chances of people quitting your website are pretty fat. So make sure your website looks as good in mobile as it does on desktops and laptops.

Use Social Media to Its Full Potential:

Social Media, According to me is one of the most powerful tools, especially to drive traffic to your blog or website. Everyone is on social media nowadays.

I presume you know which platforms I am talking about when I say Social Media, of course, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Apart from these, Quora and Reddit are more helpful compared to the other three.

If you target the right subreddit, You can end up getting huge amounts of traffic, On the other hand, Quora can get you targeted traffic. All you need to do here is answer questions with a link to your website.

Loads of Businesses are using Viral Marketing these days. That’s one of the best and the most difficult ways to get recognition for a brand and drive loads of traffic.

One of the best examples of Viral Marketing or Viral Content is Priya Prakash Varrier who became an overnight sensation with her video.

Will everything being said, Add Social sharing buttons to your website. Make as easy as possible for your visitor to share your post. Also, ask them to share, Sometimes you ought to ask what you need, even though if you come out greedy.

Guest Post Helps:

Guest posting is as effective as any other of the things I have mentioned in this post. But the other use of guest posting apart from getting traffic is that you’ll build authority and links to your website which in turn will boost your SERP Ranking which in turn will boost your traffic.

It’s like killing two birds with one arrow/stone. Except that the bird here is two different types of traffic.

Write an amazing piece of content related to the post which you want to link back to, Search for the top websites related to that topic, do an outreach campaign asking them to post your piece of content on their website, If they agree, You have almost hit a jackpot.

It sounds simple, but it’s not, this might be one of the most difficult things to achieve.

Email Marketing or EMail Outreach:

If you have built an Email list over time, run an email marketing campaign. Create a Newsletter with your blog post teaser and shoot it across to the email ids.

Make sure your subject is clear and catchy. You don’t want to be get lost in those 1000’s of emails. So try to grab attention with your subject line and stand out from the crowd.

If you don’t have an email list yet, get a subscribe button on your website/blog. Build a list and it’ll help you a lot in the long run.

The best way to make your user’s to submit you their emails is to offer something back to them. Now, you decide what is useful for your user and what you can offer in order to get their email ids.

All in all, having great content always helps. But having content is as important as getting it in front of the people.

It’s like releasing a cinema; no matter how good your cinema is, if you don’t promote you cinema in a proper way, your cinema will tank for sure.In the same way, your content may just sit on your blog and no one knows that some great piece of content is waiting for them to read it.

So, what do you think of this list? Let me know in the comments below if I have missed anything so that I could update the list. Have you tried a new trick which has helped you increase traffic to your post? Share it with us.


Tayeeb is an Engineer By Education and a Digital Marketer by Profession and Passion & yeah a Movie Buff too. DMT was created to keep alive my Passion and help others learn Digital Marketing ;) If you want to know more about me or contact me you can connect with me through Social Media


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