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How To Write Content Or Become Content Writer – Top Content Writing Tips

How To Write Content Or Become Content Writer – Top Content Writing Tips

How To Write Content, Best Content Writing Tips Ever

Content Is the King”, as much clichéd as this may sound, No one’s ever going to stop saying that, are they? At the end of the day, it is the ultimate truth. Content Writers are more in demand than they ever were. Every company, be it a startup started a day ago or a Multi-National Company, everyone needs one – The best one.

If you are reading this article, you have already embarked on your journey to become the best in the field. I know that’s a lot to say and of course, you have all the rights to say “Easier Said Than Done”. But it’s not that difficult to become a good content writer as you think. With a little bit of determination here, a bit of hard work there and with some practice everywhere you can become whatever you intend to.

“Enough of all this Gyan, get onto the matter already” – you say? I feel you lady. Hold your pants, Let’s do this.

Every content writer was nothing more than just a reader before she became a writer. Reading always help in ways you can never even imagine. There is a whole department of Science (Not like departments in colleges 😉) just to prove that reading can affect your brain in innumerable ways.

Just because you want to start writing, do not stop reading. On the contrary, start reading more, but this time pay attention to the style of the author, how she has written a piece, what is her tone. Try to figure out why she has written a particular sentence.

When you start giving attention to details while reading you start giving details to your writing.

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There is nothing more powerful than imagination, one who has a vivid imagination can write amazing pieces of content, let alone normal content, she can write amazing stories. So, try and improve your Imagination, try to make it as vivid as possible.

I’ll tell you what I did to improve mine, I used to Imagine every day (You say everyone does? Well, Not like I did), I made a hobby out of it, while people were busy chasing their dreams or participating in the rat race, I was busy Imagining.

it does not matter wherever you are, in a coffee shop, movie or work, take 5 minutes out of it, close your eyes and start imagining things. Doesn’t matter what you are imagining, may it be about you just having a coffee or going on an adventure or that secret fantasy of yours (😉😉, gotcha there :P). Try to concentrate on details, because when you start concentrating on the details, your imaginations start becoming more vivid.

Write – About Anything and Everything:

Make it a practice to write at least 500 words per day. Again, it does not matter what or how you are writing. $#*! Grammar, $#*! spelling; Just write the hell out of it.

If you can’t think of anything to write, write a letter to your mom or write about what you did all day (like a journal). But make sure you write. It’ll at least improve your typing speed if not your writing skill (Just Kidding), trust me when I say, it’ll help you in numerous ways.

Learn At least 2 New Words every day:

This has already been said by so many people so many times that I almost skipped it, but then again vocabulary matters, so here it goes.

Learn at least 2 new words every day and use them at least 4-5 times in whatever 500 words you are writing for that day. Vocabulary is the arsenal of weapons for a writer, if you don’t have enough ammunition, you are going to lose. (Not that it’s any kind of competition but that was just in a flow).

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Live your fantasies:

This is my personal favorite. It’s a known fact that every human being has fantasies and what better way than to write them down. By writing them out you are telling a story and while telling a story you imagine, so just writing down your fantasies might cover the two things I said above.

This way you will also get to live them for a moment, that’s a better way of living them than to daydream isn’t it and also you can revisit them whenever you want since you now have a piece of content that does describe your fantasies.

Fun Fact: Exclusive scoop just for the readers of this post. In my fantasies, I am the one who created Avengers, I am Tony Stark. Let me know in comments what you are in your fantasies. Don’t let me in on the details of your secret fantasies just the normal ones are enough.

Get to Know Your Style of Writing:

Every writer has his or her own style of writing, a way of telling a story. Your style is like your fingerprint, readers can figure out the name of the author just by looking at their style of writing and tone of their work (Well, most of the readers can).

You may have to figure out what is your way of writing and what is your tone. What tone you are most comfortable in because if you are not comfortable telling a story, you won’t make it as compelling as you want it to.

There are innumerable ways in which you can try and figure out your style of writing, but I’ll mention the best 2 ways which I personally find intriguing.

The first way is the easiest one, it requires no explicit work to figure out your style. You just write normally as much as you can and as much as you want to without any concern of your style and figure out your style while on the journey.

The second is the one that requires some work, (If you are lazy AF, skip this para, it’s not for you) I read about it in an article, source of which I can’t remember right now (I’ll update the source if I find it). Pick five of your favorite authors whose style you love the most. Select a chapter or a piece of content, Start reading it with the absolute concentration on the style and their way of writing. Try to write the same thing by imitating their style (As they say, Imitation is the best form of flattery) and while doing so, you might end up figuring out yours.

Humor? Yes please, I could use some of that right about now.

Humor is the only thing everyone loves. No matter who the person is or how lousy or boring he or she is, if you use the right kind of humor you’ll make him laugh and the same goes for writing as well. Your target audience might differ from article to article, So should your humor. Sarcasm, Irony, and Satire are some of the kinds I love and trust me when I say this, they are hard to understand and harder to use.

You need to be careful as well, there are a whole bunch of people just waiting to be offended on the smallest of matter. Handle humor with care especially if you are using Sarcasm in your writing, Coz Sarcasm is hard to detect especially when reading.

With that being said, as Hanley Says in her book, “Everybody Writes”, “Humor comes during rewrite”. You can’t put in-jokes directly while you are writing, if you can you are one talented fellow and I am really jealous of you.

Don’t consider humor until your article or post is completed, consider adding it when you start to rewrite or edit your article.

Keep It Simple Silly:

That’s cliché, ain’t it? But that’s content writing 101 or say 101 of everything. When you are writing, you are explaining, and the best way to explain is to explain as if you are explaining a 5 years old kid. To pull that off you have to keep it as simple as possible.

Avoid complex statements, no one wants to read a sentence twice just to understand it. Keep everything crystal clear; there shall be no ambiguity in the sentence, word or the objects or things you are referring to. Speaking of which, use “It”, “They”, “Them” and words like this with utmost care since they are infamous for creating ambiguity when not used appropriately.

Not just that, avoid using multifaceted or difficult words as much as possible. Readers will stop reading your work if they have to dig up the meaning every now and then. No one wants to keep a dictionary open while reading anything, they just want to enjoy reading your work (Unless your reader is explicitly looking for words to learn).

Let me guess what’s going on your mind “Why The $#&! Did you tell to learn a new word every day if we can’t use complex words?”

Just because you understand a word does not mean everyone in your audience circle does. So, if you want to use big words, use them when you are writing for the audience who are really good at English but not while explaining the simplest of things. You can sprinkle some complex words here and there as required.

Complex or Big words are like salt in food, If the quantity is perfect, food will taste great but if you add more than required it’ll ruin the taste just like complex words ruin your article.

Avoid Clichés:

There was a time when people used to love Cliché, now is not that time. According to a psychological study, when someone reads clichéd statements they don’t feel a thing since they have already heard the statement hundreds of time.

I am not telling you that you should never use cliché’s, On the contrary, I am telling you to actually use them but only when there is an extreme necessity or when that cliché makes a perfect point than the words you have written. If these conditions are not satisfied, then it’s good for your article that you don’t use cliché.

Use Active, Avoid Passive:

Avoid using passive voice and use active voice instead. When you use passive voice in your story or article you are telling them, but when you use active, you are actually not just telling them but also showing them. That is what makes active voice powerful.

For those of you who don’t know what Active & Passive Voice is, here is the definition.

Active Voice is a form or set of forms of a verb in which the subject is typically the person or thing performing the action and which can take a direct object.

Example of active Voice: She loved him.

Passive Voice is a form or set of forms of a verb in which the subject undergoes the action of the verb.

Example of Passive Voice: He was loved.

Enjoy What You Write, Don’t Just Write for The Sake of Writing:

After that I have no idea what exactly to write, but yet here I am doing it, it’s not what you write it’s how you write that really matter. You may ask how could that even be possible, well, you can tell a very boring story in the most amazing away and also, you can tell the most amazing story in the most boring way.

There is no secret to how exactly to write a perfect article because there is none. All you need to do is use all the tips mentioned above to write and you’ll end up creating an article you would be proud of, it’s all that matters at the end of it right? You need to enjoy writing every bit of the article, put yourself in the shoes of a user or whoever you are targeting, and ask just one question; Are you enjoying it? If your answer is yes, then your audience will too and if No, Your audience will not.

So, write in a way that excites you, use your Imagination to bring out your fantasies and find a way to use them in your article. That is what I do, I am not saying that I am the best out there, But I am the best in my mind and as I said earlier that is all that matters.

Proofread, Edit & Rewrite:

I have made this section by combining all the three only because I don’t just hate them, I loathe them. But what can we do, this process is as important as creating an article itself.

Let’s address these, one by one, shall we?

It’s always the best thing to develop a habit of proofreading everything you write. Trust me it helps, it has saved me from embarrassing myself so many times. Forget Emails or Articles, I even proofread the text messages 2 times before sending the hit button.

When you proofread a piece of content you’ll get ideas on how you can improve the structure of a sentence or which other words you can use instead of those boring ones. Not to mention the grammar and spelling mistakes you’ll find during the process.

Editing is like mining Diamonds, both are utterly ugly processes but at the end of it you forget the ugliness and are mesmerized by the glow of it. Edit your article as if your life depends on it. Be strict like that khadoos teacher you had in your school.

Remove everything and anything that does not make sense, make the article as crisp and tight as possible. Remove unnecessary words, it’s never about the number of words, it’s about how well you explain a concept or tell a story. Remove anything that is not contributing to making your point.

Rewriting is as similar as editing, you are intelligent enough to figure this part out, so I won’t talk much about this process. But don’t forget, As I mentioned earlier, Humor comes during the rewrite.

Congratulation guys or girls, you finally reached the end of the article and successfully finished it, I can’t believe you actually stuck till the end. That’s all I know about content writing, if you happen to know more than me (Well, I was just joking, I know a lot more than this and you :P) don’t just keep it with you, be a good boy and share it in the comments below so that we can learn.

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Tayeeb is an Engineer By Education and a Digital Marketer by Profession and Passion & yeah a Movie Buff too. DMT was created to keep alive my Passion and help others learn Digital Marketing ;) If you want to know more about me or contact me you can connect with me through Social Media